Four new free economic zones (FEZ) are set to be launched in Uzbekistan, according to a draft decree prepared by the Cabinet of Ministers.
The zones will be located in Urgut district of Samarqand region, Gijduvan district of Bukhara region, Kokand city in Fergana region and Khazarasp district of Khorezm region.
Creating of new FEZs is aimed at developing favorable conditions for attraction of foreign and domestic investments to establish modern production facilities for deep processing of mineral resources and agricultural products, as well as integrated and efficient utilisation of productive and resource potential of the four regions.
The new FEZs are expected to attract enterprises in the fields of deep processing, storage and packaging agricultural products, textile, carpet-weaving, shoe-making, leather, chemicals, pharmaceutical, food, electronics, car-building, construction materials and other industries.
Currently, there are three free economic zones operating in Navoi (Navoi region), Jizzakh (Jizzakh region) and Angren (Tashkent region).