41,724 citizens of Uzbekistan cast early votes at the presidential elections as of 28 November, press service of the Central Election Commission told Gazeta.uz.
Early voting, which began on 24 November and will last until 2 December, is open to those who cannot be at their places of residence on the election day, 4 December.
According to the provided data, 4,858 people participated in early voting in Bukhara region, Andijan region is second with 4,141 voters, Tashkent city is third with 3,859, Tashkent region is fourth with 3,726, and the Republic of Karakalpakstan is fifth with 3,529 voters.
Kashkadarya region followed the list with 3,459 early voters, Ferghana region with 3,339, Khorezm region with 2,746, Navoi region with 2,521, Namangan region with 2,393, Samarkand region with 2,315, Syrdarya region with 2,089, Surkhandarya region with 1,995 and Jizzakh region with 754 voters.