Robakhon Makhmudova, former First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, received the presidential nomination confirmation from the Social Democratic Party Adolat (Justice) at its 11th congress in Tashkent on May 29 for the upcoming early presidential election, scheduled for 9 July.
The party’s congress highlighted that the candidate’s legal experience “will positively affect the implementation of the party’s ideas”. They also mentioned that Robakhon Makhmudova has gained among the public “the reputation of a fair judge who solves citizens' problems in a timely and fair way” during her judicial career.
The candidate suggested a social-democratic model of the state in her election programme. The programme stresses that the individual, his/her rights, freedoms and legitimate interests are the highest values of the state and society.
It also advocates “the idea of a strong welfare state where the principles of freedom, equal opportunities, justice, solidarity, social protection and responsibility prevail and where there can be no severe social segregation and the goal is to join the ranks of developed countries with high living standards”.
Robakhon Makhmudova’s election program covers 10 areas: building of legal state, establishing social justice, ensuring stable growth of national economy, ensuring a sustainable development of science, innovation and education, strengthening of public health, ensuring sustainable development of society, increasing attention to ecology and the environment, strengthening the role of civil society, women and family in society, building of high moral society, conducting a peaceful, fair and progressive foreign policy, as well as implementing a number of international agreements.
The candidate also intends to develop a “Social State 2030” programme for social protection of citizens and support of business entities in this direction, as well as to pass a law on “Guaranteed Medical Care”.
She has also suggested measures for the development of agriculture. Specifically, to organise production on a scientific basis, ensure “mutual harmony between science and practice”, realise Uzbekistan’s great potential in the agricultural sector in the near future, expand the scope of government support, and introduce insurance mechanisms for the sector and improve its legal framework, including by passing the Agricultural Risk Insurance Act.
The election programme also urged for improving road infrastructure, “the basis of industrial production and the national economy as a whole”, establishing public control over the quality of work done in road construction, widely using scientific research findings in this area, and creating an incentive system for scientists.
Robakhon Makhmudova has suggested a ‘Concept for Employment in the Digital Economy 2030'. In her programme, she highlighted the importance of small industrial zones, economic and industrial clusters in enhancing the country’s industrial potential and consistent development of regions.
The candidate also stated the importance of ensuring transparency in government budget revenues and expenditures, in which all processes should be digitised.
On Monday, the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan endorsed its leader, Ulugbek Inoyatov, as a presidential candidate and his programme.