On Thursday, June 1st, on 41st plenary session the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan passed the law “On conflict of interests.” These news come after long-lasting debates over the need to endorse the law.
The law categorizes the concept of “conflict of interest,” introduces liability of government workers, and proposes regulatory mechanisms.
It also establishes control over a range of state institutions — agencies, funds, local bodies, and legal entities — where the state has more than 50% or more share.
The regulation stipulates the prevention of conflict of interest toward state employees, the consequences for violation, grounds for invalidating cases through courts, and penalties.
Moreover, if a close relatives of a state employee has a share or a fraction of authorized capital, he or she will considered an associate of a government worker.
The overusing of corruption related cases will be carried out by the Anti-Corruption Agency of Uzbekistan, commission on state bodies ethics, Human Resources departments and divisions of internal anti-corruption control.
State workers will have to pay three to five base calculating amount (BCA) for non-disclosure of their conflict of interest. It would be five to ten BCAs for officials.
The information related to the conflict of interest will be documented.
“Conflict of interest is a starting point for corruption”
As the plenary run, deputies stressed the need to work on problems related to corruption, despite the progress brought by reforms. Particularly, the law “On Combatting Corruption” says that those guilty of violating the regulation are liable in accordance with the law; however, the law does not determine necessary measures. Neither there is a single regulatory body, nor the process of reporting on conflict of interest.
“Although conflict of interest is prohibited by the law, there were no clear legal consequences of it. We often see reports on such cases in the media and social networks,” said Chairperson of the Senate Ms. Tanzila Narbaeva in a session. “The law fills the gaps related to conflict of interest; enforces specific regulatory mechanisms.”
Ms. Tanzila Narbaeva
“Legal consequences are being introduced. Decisions made under the influence of conflict of interest can be repealed by the court decision,” said Ms. Narbaeva.
The chairperson expressed the hope that the law will reduce the cases of conflict of interest and boost the fight against corruption. “Conflict of interest is a starting point for corruption,” reaffirmed Ms. Narbaeva.
The law goes to President for approval.