The Tashkent Region Khokimiyat (regional governor’s office) has allocated 1.34 billion soums for the purchase of new official cars from the over-fulfilled part of local budget revenues for the third quarter, follows from the November 15 decision of khokim (regional governor) Zoyir Mirzayev.
According to the data, the cars will be purchased for first deputy of the regional khokim Abdurasul Abdullayev, deputy regional khokim for youth policy, social development and spiritual-educational work Otabek Sultanbekov, as well as for the khokim of Yukorichirchik district Uskenbay Atemov.
In response to an inquiry from, the press service of the regional administration informed that it was planned to buy hybrid models of BYD cars.
“The replacement of the existing service vehicles became necessary due to their exceeding (prescribed) service life of five years,” the administration commented.
Abdurasul Abdullayev became first deputy regional administrator in August 2023, while Otabek Sultanbekov has been deputy administrator since September 2022. Uskenbay Atemov has been the head of Yukorichirchik district since 2010.
As a reminder, according to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 29, 2021, the ceiling price of official vehicles assigned to ministers, heads of state committees, regional and Tashkent khokims should not exceed 2,000 Base calculation value (BCV) (660 million soums), and the engine volume — 4,000 cubic centimeters, while no more than 1,500 BCV (495 million soums) and 2,500 cubic centimeters respectively for their deputies.
Replacement or transfer of an office car from state bodies to subordinate offices should be made after five years of use (except for a car that has fallen into disrepair).
At the same time, according to the data on electric and hybrid cars purchased by state agencies in 2023−2025, approved by the presidential decree of December 19, 2022, the Tashkent khokimyat should allocate 1.2 billion soums for the purchase of three electric cars in 2023, accumulating 8 billion soums in total for the purchase of 20 electric cars in three years.
The Cabinet of Ministers was then instructed to amend within two months the ceiling price of a car purchased by government agencies based on the market price of electric and hybrid cars.