About 10 citizens of Uzbekistan were among more than 1,300 pilgrims who died during Hajj to Muslim holy sites in Saudi Arabia this year, a source with knowledge of the situation informed Gazeta.uz.
The cause of these deaths has not yet been determined.
The Saudi authorities earlier said that a significant number of those who died were unregistered pilgrims who endured prolonged exposure to the scorching sun. The Associated Press correspondents witnessed pilgrims fainting due to the extreme heat.
This year approximately 1.8 million pilgrims, including over 1.6 million from foreign countries, participated in Hajj between 14 and 19 June.
The temperatures during these days were extreme, reaching 51.8 degrees Celsius at the Grand Mosque in Mecca on 17 June. Pilgrims without proper documentation, according to reports, were unable to access air-conditioned facilities along Hajj route.