The Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan approved the law on ratification of the intergovernmental agreement with China on mutual protection of classified information at a session on 30 September. The document was sent to the president for signing.

The agreement was signed in Xi’an, China on 18 May during president Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s visit to this country.

The current rapidly changing military and political situation in the region requires strengthening the legal basis for “ensuring the security of mutual classified information”, senator Anvar Tuychiev said.

The agreement has 19 articles. Uzbekistan’s State Security Service is designated as the authorized body.

According to article 15, the international document is concluded for an indefinite period. The agreement will enter into force after the last notification of fulilment of domestic procedures.

The agreement provides for the mutual protection of transmitted and received classified information in any form, as well as the clarification of issues related to the level of secrecy under national legislation, the comparison of security classifications (“special importance”, “top secret”, “secret”), the protection of classified information, as well as its transmission and use.

According to the senator, the adoption of the law does not require any changes in legislation and no funds from the state budget.

Uzbekistan has agreements on mutual protection of classified information with Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Germany, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Russia and other countries. The same document was signed with Kyrgyzstan and the US in July.