President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree on 22 October on further optimization of the personnel at state bodies.

The maximum number of management staff for the 70 national-level government bodies has been set at 53,560. This is 5.2% (2,949 positions) less than the previously established 56,509.

The number of employees at national bodies funded by the state budget will decrease from 51,950 to 49,105 (-2,845), while at those funded by extrabudgetary funds from 4,919 to 4,455 (-464).

Таким образом, в Узбекистане в настоящее время насчитывается 21 министерство, 14 комитетов (было 13), 26 агентств (25) и 9 (11) инспекций, что составляет в общей сложности 70 органов республиканской исполнительной власти.

Of the total 70 bodies (this number remains unchanged), 21 are ministries, 14 are committees (up from 13), 26 are agencies (previously 25), and 9 are inspections (down from 11).

The decree aims to “optimize the staff of the national and local executive bodies, including reduction of the number of deputy heads of ministries and agencies in the economic complex, with the goal of improving management efficiency”.

For instance, the Ministry of Economy and Finance will see a reduction of 580 employees, down to 5,626. However, the number of deputy ministers will increase from 7 to 8. At the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade, staff will decrease to 1,024 (-336), and at the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction to 3,234 (-1,416).

The Customs Committee’s staff has been increased by 693, reaching 4,690, and the Committee for Family and Women by 433 — from 152 to 585.

The limit for administrative staff in the hokimiyats (administrations) of regional centers and Nukus, the capital of Karakalpakstan, will be reduced from 445 to 330, while the hokimiyats of cities under regional jurisdiction will drop from 485 to 348, and the hokimiyats of rural districts from 5,173 to 3,809. In Tashkent, the number of staff at district hokimiyats will be reduced from 568 to 359.

The staff reductions in the hokimiyats are linked to the dissolution of the Agency for mahalla and entrepreneurship development.

At the same time, the maximum number of management personnel at regional hokimiyats except for Tashkent) will increase from 52−57 to 61−70 positions, with a total of 763 personnel.

At the beginning of the last year, the number of staff at ministries and government agencies was cut by 17,447 positions (24%). The number of deputy heads of ministries and other agencies was reduced from 207 to 144, before increasing to 163, and is now set to rise to 164.