1,641 children were born in Uzbekistan on the first day of the new year, press service of the Ministry of Health announced.
This marks the lowest figure in recent years: 1,859 children were born on 1 January 2024; 2,155 in 2023; 2,316 in 2022; 1,644 in 2021; 1,974 in 2020; 1,708 in 2019; and 1,961 in 2018.
Of the children born on 1 January, 845 were girls and 796 were boys. Twenty-three mothers gave birth to twins — 22 pairs of twins and 1 set of triplets, making a total of 47 babies.
The highest number of births was recorded in Fergana region, with 244 children. This was followed by Samarkand region with 186, Kashkadarya with 181, Surkhandarya with 172, Tashkent region with 150 and Tashkent city with 139. Other regions included Andijan with 90, Jizzakh with 87, Bukhara with 86, Khorezm with 83, Karakalpakstan with 71, Namangan with 65, Syrdarya with 45 and Navoi with 42 children.