A total of 4,906 officials in Uzbekistan were brought to criminal responsibility in 2024, marking a 37.2% increase compared to 2023 (3,575), press service of the General Prosecutor’s Office announced.
The number of criminal cases against officials that resulted in convictions reached 3,821, a 12% rise from 2023 (3,412).
Among those convicted, 71 were employees of national-level institutions (compared to 49 in 2023, +44.9%), 410 were from regional-level institutions (267, +53.6%) and 4,425 were from district- and city-level divisions of ministries, agencies and organizations (3,259, +35.8%).
These officials were prosecuted for the following crimes:
embezzlement and misappropriation of property: 2,929 cases (up from 2,205 in 2023, +32.8%):
bribery, bribery mediation and offering bribes: 353 cases (195, +81%);
fraud: 447 cases (272, +64.3%);
abuse of office: 226 cases (397, -43%);
official forgery: 13 cases (36, -68.9%);
negligence: 40 cases (25, +60%);
abuse of power and exceeding official authority: 13 cases (30, -56.7%);
other crimes: 885 cases (415, +2.1 times increase).
As a result of these crimes, the estimated damage caused to the state and public interests increased 2.3 times, from 1.55 trillion to 3.61 trillion soums (approximately $278.5 million).
During the preliminary investigation, 2.343 trillion soums (1.31 trillion in 2023) were recovered. However, the share of compensated damages amounted to 65%, significantly lower than in 2023 (84.7%).