Candidate from Adolat (Justice) party Nariman Umarov voted at 550th polling station in Tashkent.
Candidate from Milly Tiklanish party Sarvar Otamuratov voted at 584th polling station in Tashkent.
5.2 million citizens of Uzbekistan have participated in presidential elections by 10:00.
Elections of the President of Uzbekistan started across the country at 6:00 am. First voters came to the polling stations before their opening.
Citizens of Uzbekistan in Japan and South Korea were the first to vote at the elections of the President.
117,902 citizens of Uzbekistan participated in early voting at presidential elections.
68,700 citizens of Uzbekistan participated in early voting in seven days.
Secretary general of Association of World Election Bodies heads observers mission for presidential elections.
Tashkent’s public transport will operate from 5 am and be free on 4 December.
53,501 citizens of Uzbekistan participated in early voting in six days.
SCO secretary general Rashid Alimov will head the observers mission for presidential elections in Uzbekistan.
More than 41,700 citizens of Uzbekistan participated in early voting during five days.
Part of voting bulletins at upcoming elections will be published in braille in Uzbek and Russian languages.
OSCE ODIHR mission published an interim report on its monitoring of presidential elections in Uzbekistan.
Citizens who cannot cast their votes at places of residence on election day have the right to early vote.
Long-term observers from CIS mission started monitoring the election campaign in Uzbekistan.
For the first time in the country"s history, voting bulletins at the upcoming elections will be provided with braille.
University students will be given five days off in December to vote at presidential elections in places of residence.
Mission of OSCE ODIHR will include 35 long-term and 250 short-term observers.
Central Election Commission launched a confidence hotline for cases of violation of legislation.
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