Turkiya 6 fevral kuni mamlakat tarixidagi eng kuchli zilzilalardan birini boshdan kechirdi va bu zilzila qo‘shni Suriyaga ham qattiq ta’sir ko‘rsatdi. 7,7−7,8 magnitudali birinchi zilziladan so‘ng seysmologlar 300 dan ortiq takroriy zilzilalarni qayd etishdi, ulardan biri 7,6 magnitudali edi. Minglab binolar, jumladan turar-joylar, shifoxonalar va maktablar vayronaga aylandi. Turkiya va Suriyada so‘nggi ma’lumotlarga ko‘ra, deyarli besh ming kishi halok bo‘lgan, 25 mingdan ortiq kishi jarohatlangan. JSST hisob-kitoblariga ko‘ra, 23 millionga yaqin odam zilziladan ma’lum darajada jabr ko‘rgan. Ushbu maqolada zilzila paytida mahalliy xalq tomonidan olingan eng ta’sirli (va dahshatli) videolar jamlangan.
Not the first seemingly ok building to completely collapse in the last 12 hours. Hopefully the casualties can be kept to a minimum but it already looks like this is going to be the worst natural disaster in Turkish history. Over 2000 buildings already confirmed collapsed. pic.twitter.com/V27o7TJaIU
— Eric Jr (@ericjr2018) February 6, 2023
A live television broadcast captured the moment two consecutive aftershocks of a powerful earthquake hit Malatya in Turkey https://t.co/hQPpWpvuFp pic.twitter.com/msclTNrkPq
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 6, 2023
The collapse of another building in Turkey. pic.twitter.com/7fug2wQOhb
— Mike (@Doranimated) February 7, 2023
Moment of building collapse in Turkey after earthquake#earthquake #diyarbakır #Turkey #deprem #İstanbul #HelpTurkey #Turkiye #Gaziantep #Syria #TurkeyEarthquake pic.twitter.com/iYw3NYe2S4
— Intermarium 24 (@intermarium24) February 6, 2023
Building Collapse in Turkey #Turkey #earthquakeinturkey #Turkiye #Erdogan #earthquake #AtatürkDam #Atatürk #TurkeyEarthquake #HelpTurkey Erdogan
— ▓ MIIIΞDPFLIS 2074⠐ (@Minneapolis420) February 7, 2023
Turkey is facing a complete humanitarian disaster buildings continue to collapse. Tonight will be a cold winter night for millions who cannot safely sleep in their homes. The earthquake after shocks continue pic.twitter.com/W70RK5iwfB
— KC (@kci2013) February 6, 2023
— loveworld (@LoveWorld_Peopl) February 6, 2023
Buildings continue to collapse due to AFTERSHOCKS #BreakingNews #UltimaHora #Earthquake #Terremoto #Temblor #Gempa #Deprem pic.twitter.com/kgEtacneUJ
The moment of the collapse of a building in Diyarbakir's Kayapınar district and the panic that occurred after it was reflected on the camera.#earthquake #diyarbakır #Turkey #deprem #İstanbul #HelpTurkey #Turkiye #Gaziantep #Syria #TurkeyEarthquake pic.twitter.com/IYbn2r6eDa
— uzii (@uziihashmi_) February 6, 2023